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Tony Adams, Vietnam veteran

Tony Adams arrived in Vietnam Feb. 6th, 1968 as a member of Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, Twelfth Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army. He fought in the battle of Hoc Mon, the battle that Eddy was killed in. Eddy was in C Company so they did not know each other, yet they fought just yards apart on that fateful day when Eddy, my uncle, lost his life on March 4, 1968 in Hoc Mon.

Tony heard of my book, ordered it from Amazon, then wrote to me, and also wrote a wonderful review, telling of his story and of the book. You can read his review on the online paper, Beaufort County Now, at this web address:

In his article, he wrote: "I cannot do justice to the emotion or narrative of this book or maybe it is just the old grunt in me getting sentimental. But when Lynne received the box from Jim and opened it up it contained the orange, blue and yellow Viet Cong battle flag that was flying at the scene of Eddy's death. The military tradition is to protect the flag at all cost. It is a symbol of the dedication and sacrifice soldiers are willing to make for the cause of their country. The symbolism of lowering the flag of the losing side and raising the flag of the winning side is a long honored tradition. Also, the presentation of the flag at the funeral of a veteran is an acknowledgement that they did their duty. For this Viet Cong warrior to present his honored flag to Lynne as a gesture of respect is way beyond what one would expect from a former enemy."

Tony keeps a file box of index cards; when he hears about a fallen soldier he writes the soldier's name on a card with a few details that he knows of him, then keeps it in the box. On Memorial day he goes through the cards.

Tony writes: "Don't you think they deserve at least that much time and effort out of your busy day. Any combat veteran has some dates and names embedded in their memory. It may be some solace to them to know that others take a few seconds to pay respect and honor to the memory of someone they did not know. However, rest assured that there is always someone somewhere who has a chasm in their heart for a fallen soldier."

Since writing my book, I've heard of a lot of fallen soldier's names. I'm going to start my file box. Thank you Tony Adams.

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